Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Pdf Download
Download all four Veda texts and concordance from http. Telecharger sap 2000 version 14. (15m) Chamakam (9m), Manyu Suktam (5m), Purusha Suktam (7m), Sri Suktam (6m), Mantra Pushpam (13m), Laghunyasam are available for download. A volunteer group has entered large number of sUktas and displayed them in PDF formats for Telugu, Sanskrit(Devanagari), Kannada, Malayalam. Purusha suktam lyrics in sanskrit pdf Download, Purusha Suktam, 6983k, v. View Download, Ganapathi Atharvashirshyam Suktam Text, 3470k, v.
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Mahastro presents this Great hymn 'Purushasuktam' in the form of an App.
This totally renewed 'Purusha Suktam' app is now with unique and many useful features that facilitates the devotees in expressing their bhakti through their prayers and salutations.
Note: The totally renovated app is now made fully functional with all the special features listed below WITHOUT any limitations.
This App is specially designed to accommodate Unique Features like :-
1. Gurukulam way of learning.(Yes !!!, now, the most awaited 'Learning Mode' is included in this app for vedic mantras too)
** This exclusive feature is available only in this app so far*.
2. Multi language support (Sanskrit, English, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam)
3. Text Auto Scroll relative to the Audio.
4. Text Highlighted in a bigger size in the middle of the screen.
5. Two speed levels.
6. Search utility for easy traversing.
A word of caution to those who wants to learn and chant 'PURUSHA SUKTAM':
One should consider Vedic chanting, a very sensitive subject matter.
If not properly chanted, it may even yield negative results.
Unlike a sloka or stotram, for a Mantra, it needs special attention to its technicalities.
Please check the help option within the app to learn more on technicalities for a vedic mantram recital. Since this is so, It is best advised and recommended to initially start learning any Vedic Hymn from an adept GURU and then to follow further practice with the help of any tools such as this app.
Know what Purusa Sooktam is :
'Purusha Sooktam' is a Vedic hymn that forms a part of Rig Veda, dedicated to the Purusha, the 'Cosmic Being'.
Amongst the Vedic mantras, this Great hymn excels both in its meaning and also in the potency of the mantra.
'Purusha' Means 'The Supreme Being' or God, and this suktam sings the glory of that supreme being.
This is one the most important vedic hymn that is chanted in Temples, homes, in daily worships and in almost all the festivals and rituals and for being such a stature, we can say it forms a very important part in a vedhika's life. Reciting this hymn confers auspiciousness and prosperity in one's life.
According to the ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’, the seer of this verse is Rishi Narayana and this ‘sukta’ is potent enough to rouse God-experience in the seeker.
The Purusha Sukta of the Vedas is not only a powerful hymn of the insight of the great Seer, Rishi Narayana (on the Cosmic Divine Being as envisaged through the multitudinous variety of creation) but also a shortcut provided to the seeker of Reality for entering into the state of Superconsciousness.
The Sukta begins with the affirmation that all the heads, all the eyes, and all the feet in creation are of the Purusha.
The Sukta is charged with a five fold force potent enough to rouse God-experience in the seeker.
There is a famous saying that goes like this ..
** ' camakaṁ namakaṁ caiva pauruṣasūktaṁ tathaiva ca
nityaṁ trayaṁ prayuñjāno brahmaloke mahīyate ' **
Meaning -- He whoever recites Namakam and Chamakam along with Purusa Sooktam on a daily basis, will be honoured in Brahmaloka.
When Rudram as such is referred, it means both the Namakam and Chamakam part together only.Namakam includes the salutations and Chamakam includes our prayers, each forming 11 anuvakas to resemble the 11 forms of Rudra.
Note : As Namakam and Chamakam itself is considerablly lengthy hymn,
we have made them as a separate app similar to this one.
May Lord Bless all.
1. Gurukulam way of learning in 'Learning Mode'.(Yeah !!! Most expected feature)
2. Multi language support (Sanskrit, English, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam) with Vedic Swaras.
3.Text Auto Scroll relative to the Audio.
4. Highlighted text in a bigger size, in the middle of the screen.
5. Two speed levels.
6. Search utility for easy traversing.

Purusha Suktam