Fuji Lens Serial Numbers
Always ask to see serial numbers before purchasing. Discovered covered the late great daniel johnston rar. Fuji XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR. Mitakon SpeedMaster 50mm f/0.95 Lens for Sony E.

Flickr now shows lens serial numbers - is this a problem?
I've sometimes wondered about if there are problems in revealing serial numbers (and potentially impersonating owners)? Can this ever cause trouble to the real owners? People often tend to edit out these details in forum posts.
I just noticed that Flickr now shows lens serial numbers for all software that stores those details in the EXIF data. You just look at the EXIF details and then click 'Show all Exif'. For example, every single Fujifilm X series lens has this information in the open now if the Flickr user exports with e.g. Lightroom, and Flickr users often use their real names.
I need to change my wear ring and I am having a hard time getting a hold of the spline tool to remove the impeller on my 2005 Seadoo Sportster Le DI 951. Is there anyway to do it without the tool. On my 07 Speedster 200 I removed my wear ring and installed it with out removing the. Remove seadoo impeller without tool. Mar 22, 2013 - So I have an sxr impeller that's been cut back for the 650 pump that I'd. Tricks on removing the stock impeller without the proper removal tool?
This is where the lens will slide in or out by itself when the lens is pointing up or down.
Anyway I called the Fuji shop and they just said to bring it in anytime - it sounds like it is quite a common problem. I had the camera back within a week. They also replaced the circular button panel at the back as the up button had become a bit sticky.
There was no cost, all X series cameras have a three year warranty.
So the moral of the story is, if you have got any slight movement in the lens - just take it back, get it sorted for no cost and start enjoying a great camera again instead of moaning about it.
Nothing wrong with that. I used to use Aperture priority 90% of the time. It is not a crime. Hehe.
Learning to understand apertures and how they affect your outcome, such as depth of field etc and then with shutter speeds and the need to increase this when zooming out to allow for the magnification of movement as well as view etc etc.
Lots to learn. We have all been there.
Lens supposedly replaced, although just as bad. When tested there is a difference in image detail from when the lens is supported apposed to not, the barrel creeps.
The most annoying issue is the shop where I purchased it from said that all lenses start to creep after use. The thing isnt 12 months old yet. Fuji did actually comment saying hasnt the shop offered a refund..interesting
I went directly to the Fujifilm offices here in Auckland and although it took a couple of weeks for a new lense to come in (and the dial at the back of the camera - which was faulty) - they were very helpful and it was no problem for them to sort it out.
Sounds like the dealer hasn't done the right thing by you. Try going direct.
Fuji Lens Sale
Waste of time, the lens creeps out at 55 degrees when you have the camera upwards or downwards. Shop said nothing wrong, email from Fuji saying characteristic, although they mixed up my camera with another and kept saying it had no creep until they realised it wasn't mine. Soon as they tried mine they said suffer from lens droop but a technician says they can't rectify it.
Called the repair shop (Edison, NJ USA) today and they said to send it in and it may still be covered as a warranty issue.
Has anyone had any experience with this repair center?
By the way, I love this camera! It will be sorely missed for a few weeks.
I've had 3 repairs done through the Edison facility: an HS25 that suddenly developed bad auto exposure, and an X10 with a bad sensor. All three times, Edison did just fine; my biggest problem was the dismay at having my camera out of commission for a couple of weeks while I waited for shipping & then repair.
and cantanima:
for your kind responses. I did ship the unit off last week after realizing this shop was an actual Fujifilm repair site.
Not excited about a 2-3 week repair time, but that's what I was told up front, so we will see. I'm presently using the old FinePix S700, which is a great little camera, but I miss the features and heftier stability of my X-S1.
I'll let you folks know how this turns out in the end - keep those great shots coming.
Anyway, I KNEW that I would get a camera with the droops, so how I fixed it was with a large, wide rubber band. It is wide enough to cover the seam/gap between the Zoom & Focus rings, and when applied I can shake that camera a good amount (within reason of course) and the barrel does not budge.
Just wanted to toss that out there, and I hope to post some pics up as soon as I get outside and take some! ;-)
But I have to ask, why would there be a difference between photo & video? I mean you still roll the RB back to zoom, which, in turns allows the focus ring to be free...
when the cam has a 'lens drop' the tube move also with less friction. For macro pictures the tube moves on its own, that's not good. OK. by making videos I found it easier to zoom in and out. The less friction makes it easier, hand holding. The camera is great anyway.

The fellow I spoke with assured me he had my camera in his hand and would ship it out to me as soon as they received the replacement camera from me. I shipped it back to them as soon as I got a shipping label from them - another couple of weeks without an X-S1. At this time, he also stated that they were unable to get any new lenses from Fujifilm.
I anxiously awaited the arrival of my camera, only to open the box to find yet another replacement. I called back. He then assured me that he still had my camera in his hand but that the one they sent to me had had a new lens installed. (Suddenly a question formed in my mind: 'If they can install a new lens in the replacement camera, why couldn't they install it in my camera?)
The next communication with him resulted in a request that I check the camera out. I did - it was junk. Extreme distortion and other issues.
Once more I contacted the repair center and was re-assured that he had my camera in hand and as soon as they got the second replacement back, they would send my camera back to me. I shipped it back - without an X-S1 once again.
The next camera that I received turned out to be the same one I had just returned (At this time I learned that they supposedly, somehow were able to get a new lens out of Canada to put on that camera).
Extensive e-mail correspondence leading up to and following this point in time included the last message from them (after assuring me numerous times since last May, that they had my camera in hand) stating that my camera had most likely been shipped back to Japan with other returned cameras. I have since advised the New Jersey facility that my next correspondence will be with Tokyo Headquarters.
Bottom line at this point: 'Don't lie to me Edison, New Jersey Repair Facility.'
I just hope that my efforts will help to prevent others from having to go through similar issues with this Factory Authorized Repair Facility. If I receive a response from Tokyo, I will update you here.